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SOCEC Positions

Our Board adopted Advocacy Guidelines that serve as the foundation in determining our various positions on legislation and local initiatives. Our Advocacy Committee is quick to respond to member issues.

Below are our latest action letters. 
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Paid Sick Leave: Accrual and Use

Signed onto a CalChamber letter to Members on the Appropriations 


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Village at Laguna Hills Project

Support Village at Laguna Hills Project



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SoCalGreenprint Initiative

Signed on to coalition of business, industry and community organizations to the Southern California 

Association of Governments (SCAG) requesting clarification of various issues

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AB 1560 (Daly)- Distance Learning: pupil access: computing devices and broadband internet service



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Medical Assistant Academy Program 2021

Sent to Rep. Katie Porter at the request of Providence Mission Viejo-Community project funding support for Medical Assistant Academy Program 2021

SB 1386: Protecting Fire Hydrant System Funding, Support 

Senate Bill 1386 reinforces the legal authority of cities and local water agencies throughout California to use property-related service charges for funding water services related to fire protection.

Request for 90-Day Postponement on Final Connect SoCal Plan Vote

Because of the current COVID-19 pandemic that has touched us all in some way we again, respectfully request a 90-day window to provide for further review of the 10,000-page plan.


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SB 1373: State Highways, SR-241, Oppose

SB 1373 could limit TCA’s ability to fund this arterial improvement, which would provide regional traffic relief and an alternate route to the often-congested I-5 freeway.



SB 939 will put small property owners into foreclosure by forcing them to float rent for all tenants and gives restaurants the right walk away from a lease without squaring up for owed rent nor paying for property improvements.  

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